Privacy Policy

The Critical Care Project Privacy Policy describes the privacy practices of the Critical Care Project’s websites, products and online services. If you are a resident of North America, your relationship is with Critical Care Project, LLC, a United States company, and the laws of New Jersey and the laws of the United States apply.

Website Registration and Individual Users

When you register to use a Critical Care Project website, create an user ID, or contact us for support or questions, Critical Care Project will have access to information that identifies you. This may include your name, company name, or email address. For users invited to join as a member of individual subdomain sites, information regarding your eligibility is required.

We may collect information that your browser or device typically sends to our servers whenever you visit a CCProject website. This data is primarily collected by our third party data management system Google Analytics (Google’s privacy policy can be found here). For example, your browser or device may tell us your IP address (which may tell us generally where you are located) and the type of browser and device you used. Website metrics that are being followed include number of page visits, geographic region of users,the domain from which you access our site; the date and time you access our site; the type of browser and operating system used to access our site; the pages visited; and, if you linked to our website from another website, the address of that site, etc.)

When you visit a CCProject website, your browser may also tell us information such as the page that led you to our website and, if applicable, the search terms you typed into a search engine that led you to our website. CCProject does not directly collect information by way of cookies.

CCProject online advertising

CCProject does not currently accept revenue or payment by way advertisements. Any advertisements on the site are selected by the CCProject editorial staff and are not specific endorsements of the institutions they are affiliated. CME opportunities that are advertised on the CCProject website are independent of the CCProject site itself.

How does the CCProject use the data collected by Google Analytics?

CCProject uses the information we collect about you in a number of ways, such as:

  • Providing you with the CCProject websites and educational content for which you have registered, as well as any services, support, or information you have requested
  • Better understanding how our websites and content are being used so we can improve them and engage and retain users
  • Diagnosing problems in our websites and educational content
  • Tailoring a website or application to your likely interests

Does CCProject share my personal information?

CCProject is an individually run network that does not intentionally provide personal information to 3rd party organizations.

Is my personal information displayed anywhere on CCProject’s websites?

There are several places on CCProject’s websites that allow you to post comments, upload pictures, or submit content for others to see. Sometimes you might be able to limit who can see what you share, but there are some places where what you share can be seen by the general public or other members of the website or application. Please be careful when you share your personal information. Do not share anything you wouldn’t want publicly known unless you are sure you are posting it within a website or application that allows you to control who sees what you post. Please note that when you post messages on certain user forums on our websites and applications, your email address or name may be included and displayed with your message.

To remove content you have shared on our websites and applications, please use the same website or application feature you used to share the content. If another user invites you to participate in shared viewing, editing, or commenting of content, you may be able to delete your contributions, but usually the user that invited you has full control. If you have questions or concerns about this, please contact the subdomain’s site administrator.

Who can I contact with questions or concerns?

If you have a privacy question or complaint, please email us at